Exhibition - Jacksonville, Florida 


EXURBAlexander Brest Gallery, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida 
February 6 - 28, 2020
Opening Reception - Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thank you Jim Benedict and Lily Kuonen of Jacksonville University for the opportunity to install a new two-person exhibition with Jason Brown titled EXURB at the Alexander Brest Gallery. While on site, we also presented to 3D Foundations students and shared about our work during a gallery talk at the opening reception.

Thanks also to Jenny K. Hager-Vickery and Lance Vickery for welcoming Jason and I to University of North Florida where we met with senior undergraduate students for critiques and presented a lecture about our work and research.


EXURB Exhibition Statement

Contemporary artists who deal with landscape in fundamental ways and as a foundational reference point often extend their interventions and investigations beyond formal aesthetic elements to include questions of sovereignty, ownership, and environmental impact.

Leticia Bajuyo transforms suburban stereotypes into symbols and visual markers that delight and at the same time spur a critical stance as she crafts an irony inflected dystopian vision of the suburban fantasy. Jason Brown considers the politics of mountaintop removal in his construction of objects and installations while also creating playful formal assemblages.  His objects and projects to challenge users to engage in a civic dialogue about individual, community, and place. 

In response to the Jacksonville area, this two-person exhibition featuring artworks and installations by Bajuyo and Brown seeks to facilitate a conversation about urban sprawl and planning in suburban/exurban developments.

Below are some images from the installation days on site in the Alexander Brest Gallery.