Panel Talk - International Sculpture Center

Friday, April 22, 2022 @ 3:00 pm ET


Moderator: Aurora Robson
Panelists: Leticia Bajuyo,Tom DeiningerRobin FrohardtStudioKCA (Lesley Chang and Jason Kilmoski), and Benjamin Von Wong

Most people don't realize that only 9% of plastics are actually recycled. This panel will explore what artists can do to be of service around this issue while stretching their creative problem-solving muscles and diversifying the cultural landscape. Conversations will facilitate creative stewardship initiatives in arts and arts education and provide insight into practical considerations and adaptations artists can adopt. We will explore health and safety considerations as well as the notion of creative responsibility and art as activism.

And there is a pre-panel workshop! Watch the video featuring the amazing Aurora Robson and use the workshop handout for instructions and inspiration.  

Leticia Bajuyo