Leticia R. Bajuyo

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Publication - Houston, Texas

Thank you to Donna Tennant and Arts and Culture Texas for publishing about the upcoming outdoor exhibition A Gift from the Bower.

As Tennant wrote: “These bowers are small, naturally-formed clearings a few steps off a main path that meanders through the woods. Titled “A Gift from the Bower,” the show will debut on Earth Day Weekend, April 22-23, 2023. The opening celebration takes place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days and includes map-guided self-tours, performances, sound installations, a related gallery exhibition, and complimentary food and beverages. The exhibition will remain in place for two years, although some of the pieces are ephemeral and will disintegrate naturally over time.”

Arts and Culture Texas is a state-wide magazine focused on the contemporary visual and performing arts and their affect on life and lives in Texas. Editorial content in the print publication and online includes feature articles, artist interviews, reviews, think pieces and more.

To read Tennant’s full article: http://artsandculturetx.com/

A Gift From The Bower will feature new work created by multiple generations of artists, including Leticia Bajuyo (Oklahoma), John Calaway (Texas/Mexico), Carlos Canul(Texas) and Rachel Gardner (Texas), Lina Dib (Texas), Alton DuLaney (Texas), Ronald L. Jones (Texas), Sharon Kopriva (Texas/Idaho), Charmaine Locke(Colorado), Jack Massing (Texas), Sherry Owens (Texas) and Art Shirer (Texas), Patrick Renner (Texas), Kaneem Smith (Texas), James Surls (Colorado), and George Tobolowsky (Texas) and Susan Budge (Texas).